Ellen Kim (born April 24, 1985 in San Francisco, California) is a dancer/b-girl, most notably a part of The Lost Kids dance crew, NeverLand, and formerely with Funkanometry SF. As both a dancer and choreo teacher, she spends a lot of time developing new choreo and showing it to many classes she teaches around the world. She and The Lost Kids also audition for the current season of America's Best Dance Crew. She is currently in Germany, just having left London; she spared a few moments to answer some questions, so check it out!
How long have you been dancing for?
10 years
What style(s) of dance do you specialize in?
New style hip-hop, bit of jazz and modern
Your current dance crew is The Lost Kids, although you are involved with Neverland and Funkanometry SF in the past. How did you hookup with TLK originally?
Kyle Hanagami and I met in Funkanometry and I at that time of our lives...we wanted to move on :) We were asked to do World of Dance with Supreme Soul and so we called up some of our old friends!! We got together and decided on the name The Lost Kids because we all loved the movie Peter Pan and Hook!! Also, we were all lost kids at heart.
TLK also auditioned for season 4 of America's Best Dance Crew but didn't make it in. How was your first reaction, and is there hope for TLK to re-audition for the show later on?
Auditioning for ABDC Season 4 was a fun experience! We saw a lot of our friends, also, met really cool dancers and casts!! When we got the news, TLK were sad and disappointed BUT we didn't really mind only because we did it for fun anyways :) We just enjoyed the whole day and audition together as a team.
Are you working on any big projects or events right now, either by yourself or with TLK?
TLK have been busy with their lives (traveling and teaching on our own) and also concentrating more on NeverLand!! Their debut will be in Boston in November...so look out for them!! We invited a lot of our friends to join and perform in Boston. Check out our newest dancers in NeverLand...they are truly amazing!! Unfortunately, I won't be able to perform with NeverLand in November :( I have been in London for the past two weeks teaching and judging. I am currently in Germany right with Soreal Cru!! We are here for my friend's competition called The Soulplex Competition in Hannover, Germany. Then I will be on my way to Norway and Italy to teach.
What is your training schedule like?
Once I get back to the states, I will be moving to........secret. My first day working as a teacher in Studio 429 will be on December 3rd '09...so come!!
Who are your favorite dancers?
The Lost Kids and NeverLand - plus Mariel Martin, Jun Quemado, Keone Madrid, Lyle Beniga, April Rodriguez, Caramel in Boy Blue (London), Kristen Aguinaldo, Tracy Steller, Phillip Geniza, Dominic Byrd, Tessandra Chavez, Mia Michaels and Luam.
Who are your closest dance crew buddies?
TLK, Mariel Martin and Adela Vanikova
Which are some of your favorite dance moves/choreo of all time?
Mannn...that's too hard!! I love all kinds and forms of dancing!! BUT MY ULTIMATE INSPIRATION is Nick Wilson "Pump That Bass" back in 2006. The sickest piece EVER.
You went to Australia this year to teach some workshops. How was that experience?
The experience was definitely crazy!! I've always wanted to go to Sydney, Australia MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE!! When Kyle told me that we were going, I started crying!!! I was really excited and thankful that Kyle hooked me up with that job :) Thank you Kyle Hanagami!
What do you do in your spare time when not doing classes or practicing?
I love to spend time with myself when I'm not traveling. I go to the gym a lot and I try to read my books!! I'm reading Malcolm X right now....very sad and inspiring at the same time. Being in touch with yourself is the best way to get through life....trust me!
What is your current obsession at the moment, and it can be anything!
Sinagang. heehee... Food is always my obsession!!
Name one or more experiences that helped to shape you as both a person and a dancer, and briefly tell why they helped.
All my experiences that I have been through even til this day.My childhood wasn't so great, so when I found dance, I went for it. It definitely helped me get over my childhood memories. This is why I take dancing so serious. I don't do it so I can try to impress anyone, I do it truly because it brings me to a place that no or thing can hurt me. Teaching my choreography is a plus :)
When are you happiest the most?
In church or teaching!
Do you have any advice for people who want to pursue dancing?
And finally, after everything you’ve accomplished or done, is there one thing you haven’t done yet that you want to accomplish, something very important, very ‘epic’ as I phrase things like that, what would it be?
I want to have my own boutique one day. Also become a fashion designer!
Do you have any final words for the readers?
THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING ME AND TLK!! Can't even express to everyone how much it motivates me. You guys are letting me live my ultimate dream...to teach and meet amazing people. I LOVE YOU GUYS <3
Brraaaapppp. That's a wrap (no pun intended). Thank you to Ellen for this interview, and thank you guys for reading, and until next time, I'm out, chyeah!

Ellen Kim
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